Monday, April 26, 2010

Forever thinking

With my head in the clouds...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

All that matters

Knowing your there
It's all that matters.
- Noir Blanc Et Rouge Partout

To infinity and beyond...

Knick Knack

au revoir

I needed to feel something. I needed to be reassured that i meant to you what you meant to me. But then you left me, to sail alone on unchartered waters, to feel weaker than milky tea, without so much as a goodbye. You come up in my head occasionally, i dream about you on the rare occasion. But for the first time in a long time, i feel okay. It's closure, and it feels fantastic.

You are my sweetest downfall

I loved you first...

More nonsense

Please, prove me wrong.

It is one’s natural instinct to be dependant on another. If you think logically about it, the body is dependant on the legs, to support it. The heart is dependant on the chest, to hold it. And love, is dependant upon the love of another, to nourish it. For in the end, the singular strength of one, isn’t a comparable measure to that of which is doubled.

You can run, but eventually your going to have to face the music...

When i feel lost...

I can't write to save my life. I'm really quite atrocious, and i'm waiting for someone to tell me so. But when i feel lost, i whip out my macbook, i shut the world out and pretend for just a while, that i'am as wonderful as Carrie Bradshaw...

"The world evolves around the principles of comparisons, so does one need to feel heartache to know what heartfelt is? There are so many points of conversation with the word love. Does the world evolve around love? Because in reality we use the word love to describe so many of our likings. My perception of love is the feeling of being overwhelmed by someone or something’s existence. When you feel weak at the knees at the simple thought of that being. When you feel nervous to do the things that you know at the back of your head. When your heart beats at a pace that cannot be counted, and when butterflies are in a crowded flutter in your stomach. Then there is the perception of being loved. To be admired. To be regarded with wonder, pleasure and approval. To be accepted with or without fault. To be quite simply tied with the ideals of perfection, where every supposed flaw is not an imperfection, but something that is loved. What does it take to appreciate love. To recognise that something wonderful exists in a world full of so much evil. "

Eeny meeny miney mo

Like picking names out of a hat. Life is a lucky draw.

It's like forgetting the words, to your favourite song.


Equally amazing...
“Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.” - Coco Chanel

Expensive taste

I spend my money before i earn it

You found me

"In my dreams, in my nightmares, in my morning runs, you were there. You are embedded in my soul forever, the first love I ever felt. It rocked me. A storm had come, eroded away my being, and left me a ghost town of the past."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

When i grow up...

I'm basically Miranda mad

Every girl deserves the right to know if you love her.

I wish...

I wish that everything was beautiful and nothing hurt. That we could go through life as free as a butterfly with no knowledge of pain and heartache. But in contemplation, would the absence of pain limit the meaning of happiness?